To use our services, you shall carefully read and abide by the Terms Of Use (hereinafter referred to as “this Agreement”). You are not authorized to use the services provided by us unless you have read and accepted all the terms of this Agreement. If you are under the age of 18, you shall read this Agreement accompanied by a legal guardian and pay special attention to the terms of use for minors.

1. Scope of the Agreement
The services under this Agreement refer to our product, including but not limited to works, images, audio streaming, Internet value-added, interactive entertainment, and advertising (hereinafter referred to as “the Services”).

2. Intellectual Property Rights Statement
Unless otherwise stated, the copyright, patent rights, and other intellectual property rights of our software are owned by us.
The intellectual property rights of the above and any other content contained in the Services are protected by law and no one may use or create derivative works in any form without the written permission of us, the user, or the relevant right holder.

3. User Violation
You must abide by laws and regulations when you use the Services, and you must not use the Services to engage in any actions that violate laws and regulations,
If we discovers or receives reports from others saying that you have published information in violation of this clause, we may, at its sole discretion, use technical means to delete, block, or disconnect the links.
If you breach this clause and it causes damage to any third party, you shall be solely responsible for it. If we suffers losses therefrom, you shall also compensate for our losses.

4. Content Sent and Disseminated by Users and Handling of Third-party Complaints
You are solely responsible for the content that you send or disseminate through the Services, including but not limited to web pages, text, images, audios, videos, and graphics.
The content that you send or disseminate shall come from legal sources and such content shall be owned by you or authorized by the rights holder.
If we receives a notice from the rights holder claiming that the content you have sent or disseminated has infringed upon its related rights, you agree that we are entitled to, at its sole discretion, take measures such as deleting, blocking, or disconnecting the links.

5. Settlement of disputes and complaints
Any disputes arising during the use of application, please contact us via developer email.